We regularly represent clients before the State Oil & Gas Board of Mississippi in matters involving well permits, saltwater disposal wells, exception locations, rights of way and easements.
The energy section of the firm represents clients in the oil and gas industry and has a reputation that dates back to the early days of oil and gas exploration. Our Mississippi oil and gas attorneys regularly represent clients before the State Oil & Gas Board of Mississippi in matters involving well permits, saltwater disposal wells, exception locations, increased density, unitization, force integration, and related matters. Appearances before the Board, on a frequent basis, have enabled the firm to develop close working relationships with members of the Board, as well as engineers, geologists, and other experts in the oil and gas industry.
Closely aligned with the oil and gas section is our environmental practice. This rapidly expanding practice is a reflection of the growing number of environmental issues confronting the firm’s diverse clientele. We have represented clients in environmental cases before the various federal agencies, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (formerly the Department of Natural Resources), the State Oil & Gas Board, and other state agencies and local governments. Environmental matters include; toxic tort cases, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials, protection of groundwater resources, treatment and disposal of solid waste, state and federal regulation of air and water quality, and the development of public water supply and distribution systems.