Biggs, Ingram & Solop, PLLC collectively have 50+ years of experience representing professionals before licensure boards.
Whether it be health care, legal, real estate brokerage or many other professions, almost all require a license to practice. Once issued, however, a license can revoked, suspended or restrictions imposed thereon, based on various statutory grounds. ln this regard, Biggs, lngram & Solop, PLLC collectively have 50+ years of experience representing professionals before licensure boards. This is a very unique area of the law, requiring not only an understanding of professional licensure, but also the dynamics of how boards and commissions work. lf one holding a license to practice a profession receives notice of proposed discipline from a licensure board or commission, action must be promptly taken to defend the allegations within the framework of the procedural rules of the board or commission. Having a strong background in licensure law also play a pivotal role in defending the professional as well and negotiating a possible resolution.